Kaynas Memorial
On the 23rd September 2024, we had to say goodbye to our beautiful princess and help her cross the bridge after suffering a stroke overnight. She was 15 years old and had an independent personality who always had the confidence to let you know exactly what she wanted and would usually voice it loudly. She loved lying in the sun, arguing with her brothers and sisters, cuddles, and playing games with her sister Tia who, when she was younger, she was very close to. She mothered Milo when we first brought him home and looked after him and was never the same after he crossed. She was definitely a daddy’s girl, and loved her daddy carrys to bed. She had suffered dementia at the end of her life, but still retained her princess personality and we loved her so much. The house is very quiet now. She is now back with her adopted son Milo and takes our love with her.

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